Toby Bear

My name is Toby Bear.  I am a 3-year-old yellow lab.  I was named Toby because that was the only name I semi responded to (Mom had some crazy names she was trying out on me…Truman…seriously…what would happen to me at the dog park if I was called Truman…there was no way in hell I was going to react to that name.)  My Middle name is Bear, apparently after someone my Mom loved very much but is no longer with us.

My Mom found me through a rescue organization she volunteers at, Lucky Dog Rescue.  Apparently she has been fostering dogs for some time but I am the only one she kept.  It was love at first sight…literally…she was only supposed to take me home overnight and then take me to an adoption event the next day.  But that didn’t happen.  In fact, I heard her on her cell phone as we drove home from the transport telling her family that I was a keeper (Duh!).   Nobody really knows my past…I was found running in South Carolina, no collar and some puncture wounds on my body.

I am not going to lie…it was a little bit scary when I got picked up.  I was in this shelter…next thing I know I keep hearing rumblings my number was up…I didn’t know what that meant but I knew it couldn’t be good.  Then this strange lady picks me up and takes me to a Vet.  Now this is the part that REALLY FREAKS ME OUT…I go into the doctors office, I get some sort of shot and then I wake up, GOD knows how much later, and I have no Balls!  NO BALLS!  Seriously…I went in there with two balls and I woke up without Balls.  Why would someone want my balls?  I kind of liked my balls!

So I am still reeling from my missing balls when I am picked up and put on a bus and driven 6 hours north to D.C.  with about 25 other dogs…all of us in crates.  (I am not sure but I think they were all Ball-less).   That is where I met my Mom…as soon as I walked off the bus there she was.   She grabbed my leash, we went for a walk and then she loaded me up in yet ANOTHER car.   But as I stared at her in the review mirror with my cute face and sad eyes, I got the feeling this might be my final destination.

Anyway, good news is…we fell in love.  I charmed her.  Now I live this amazing life.  I have my own personal walker who comes by the house every day and takes me for a walk.  We go where I want to go, for as long as I want to go.  Its amazing.   I have this great couch that I lounge on all day.   I have plenty of toys and bones and I get fed twice a day with my evening meal being the most amazing all natural canned food!  I love it so much I pick up my bowl, take it into the living room and make sure I get every single piece out of the bowl.  On the weekends Mom and I go for long walks and to this fabulous play area called a dog park.  Seriously, I am like King of this dog park…. everyone loves me.  Sometimes Mom and I play ball in the back yard

But the best part of my new home is when I can hop up on the couch or the bed, plop in my Mom’s lap and let out a loud sign of contentment.  Half the time I fall asleep on her leg while she is petting me.  Mom says I am Karma…I am not exactly sure what she means but she smiles when she says it so it must be good.  She says something about having these two other dogs, Murphy and Carson, and each of them had some funny issues (neurosis, stubbornness, etc).   Apparently I don’t have any issues…at least none that I have showed her.  Also, I am not conceited, but I have to say I am one FINE LOOKING Boy….everyone tells me so.

Living the Dream…Living the Dream,
Toby Bear

1 Response to Toby Bear

  1. Laurie dodson says:

    Hi Toby,
    It is aunt Laurie! My entire life I have had crazy aunts and now I may just qualify with this blog to you. spent Easter with cousin Kristi and we talked a lot about your adventures with LouLou. I wish you live closer as you and Cousin Dash could get into some real trouble. Cousin Oscar is an old man but he can be a little fun. Anyhow we are in love with you and have never met you. I some how hope you know that your mom is top of the crop. You have been blessed to be a Kerber dog. Your great grandpa Bob would have spoiled you rotten just like your grandpa and your mom. So give mom Big kiss for crazy aunt Laurie. I hope we get to meet you some day!

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